Sample Walk of Faith Bricks and Themes

These sets can be sponsored by one, or by several sponsors.You are welcome to chose which of these you'd like to sponsor, or to select individual bricks from the sets! The prices are based on the cost of one month's tuition, which is currently $280/month.

For information on sponsorship, please click here.


Samples for Individual Bricks

($280 for 4 X 8, $380 for 8 X 8)

"The Love Chapter" ($4480 for Entire Set or $5760 for 8 X 8 stones)

(4" X 8" Stepping Stones)

The Ten Commandments ($4180 for entire set)

(8" X 8" Stepping Stones)


The Beatitudes ($3040 for entire set)

(8" X 8" Stepping Stones)